
Create Bolder Ways of Being.

Amy is a thought partner to help you achieve your goals and your version of success. She will compassionately nudge you to face and overcome obstacles, uplevel outdated assessments, apply more effective strategies, and live into bolder ways of being.


Create Bolder Ways of Being.

Work shouldn't be SOUL—crushing.

As an experienced leadership coach, Amy specializes in transforming workplace dynamics from soul-crushing to soul-fulfilling. Her approach is not just about improving the bottom line; it's about inspiring teams to connect and engage in bolder, more meaningful ways.

With Amy's guidance, you and your team will embark on a journey of rediscovery. She helps you tap into the core of what makes work exciting and meaningful, moving beyond the mundane to create an environment where creativity and passion thrive. Through her consulting services, Amy ensures that every team member feels valued, understood, and motivated to contribute their best.

Imagine a workplace where every day is an opportunity for growth, inspiration, and joy. That's the vision Amy brings to life. Whether you're looking to improve team dynamics, boost morale, or just bring a new spark of energy into your office, Amy's consulting offers a breath of fresh air to any professional setting.

Don't let your workdays be just about ticking boxes. Join the multitude of teams who have transformed their work lives with Amy's help. It's time to move towards a more soul-FULL way of being and engaging at work.

Contact Amy today and take the first step towards a more inspired and connected team.

Read White Paper on Harvard Business Review

Trust: The Currency of Innovation.

Innovation is indispensable. Without it, companies can’t leapfrog competitors, navigate disruptions, or deliver the Next Big Thing. But innovation often comes with a prerequisite: trust. Without the trust of customers, employees, and investors, companies can find it difficult to generate new ideas and shepherd them to fruition.

Trust can be defined in a variety of ways, but when it comes to innovation, it may be best described as belief in the reliability and soundness of a new idea brought to market. Organizations have been increasing their focus on innovation since the onset of the global Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic tested not only how well they could adapt, but also how well they could maintain the trust of customers and employees suddenly worried they could jeopardize their health by simply entering a store or workplace.

In the newest Business Innovators Index survey from Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, 58% of executives say their organization now ranks innovation as a high priority, up from 54% in 2020 and 47% when the research was first launched in 2019. And 82% say high levels of customer trust make it easier to innovate.

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