
Leadership Coaching InsideOut: Transform Inner Potential into External Success.

Amy uses a holistic approach to leadership development that focuses on unlocking and nurturing one's inner capabilities to achieve tangible, external accomplishments. By blending personal growth with professional skills, our method ensures that leaders are equipped both internally and externally to navigate and succeed in today's dynamic world.


Leadership Coaching InsideOut

Learn to embody self-awareness, integrity, and the power of the present moment.

Amy will guide you on a transformative coaching journey towards embodying self-awareness, integrity, and the power of the present moment. Amy's unique coaching approach is designed to help you not only discover but also live by the principles that foster true personal and professional growth.

Individual Coaching: A Personalized Path to Your True Self

In Amy's one-on-one coaching sessions, you'll experience a tailored approach that respects your individuality. Together, you'll explore:

  • Being Present: Learn to stay grounded in the moment, embracing self-awareness and integrity.

  • The 8Cs of Self-Leadership: Unlock your potential with Curiosity, Calm, Clarity, Compassion, Connection, Courage, Creativity, and Confidence.

  • Emotional Wisdom: Accept and learn from all your emotions, turning challenges into opportunities for growth.

Group Coaching: Strength in Unity

Amy's group sessions are more than just learning; they're about connecting. You'll engage with others on similar paths, creating a supportive community where everyone feels seen, heard, understood, valued, and appreciated. In these sessions, you will:

  • Cultivate Respect and Understanding: Learn to appreciate and respect others, even in times of conflict.

  • Embrace Collective Calm: Anchor into a state of collective calmness, tapping into a resourceful and regulated nervous system.

  • Balance Personal and Collective Needs: Discover ways to meet your needs while respecting those of others.

Why Choose Amy?

Amy is not just a coach; she's a catalyst for transformation. Her approach is grounded in empathy, respect, and a deep understanding of human emotions.

With Amy, you will:

  • Transform Fear into Love: Shift from fear-based behaviors to actions rooted in love and positive intent.

  • Be Intentional: Understand that your tone and body language can be more impactful than words.

  • Experience Real Change: Amy's guidance is not just theoretical. It's practical, relatable, and transformative.

Ready to Begin Your Journey?

Embrace this opportunity to grow and evolve with Amy. Whether through individual or group coaching, you're not just signing up for sessions; you're stepping into a life-changing experience.

Gratitude From Our Amazing Clients